The Australian Boer War Memorial
Anzac Parade Canberra
Stinkhoutboom 24 July 1900 |
The NSWMR, WAB and SAIB continued chasing De Wet where during the chase, near Vredefort on the 24 July Neville Howse of the NSW AMC, ran to a wounded man under a hail of bullets and carried him to a place of safety. He was Australia's first VC of the war. Twenty km from Vredefort, an engagement at Stinkhoutboom cost the Australians 37 casualties, a costly skirmish indeed. De Wet escaped across the Vaal into the Western Transvaal.
Australian Mounted Troops in the area were Involved Included:
1st NSW Mounted Rifles
Western Australian Bushmen
South Australian Imperial Bushmen
Robin Droogleever
© New South Wales Lancers Memorial Museum Incorporated ABN 94 630 140 881