The Australian Boer War Memorial
Anzac Parade Canberra

Lieutenant George Cory

Pre Boer War Boer War Post Boer War

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George Gilbert Cory Born 'Vacy', Patterson, 14 March 1873, the youngest of nine children of Gilbert Cory and his second wife Charlotte Elizabeth Hingston, Nee Haines. Gilbert had 10 children with his first wife Georgina Jeannette Ren.

His father Gilbert Cory had arrived in Sydney on the S.S. 'Elizabeth' 15 April 1830 and along with his elder brother Edward were some of the original settlers on the Patterson River.

George Cory left 'Vacy' early 1891 and rode from the Hunter Valley to take up a position as a Jackeroo at 'Rockwood' in the Armidale area. He spent some time on the way doing various jobs including several months on the Stewart Brook gold fields, arriving 'Rockwood' about October 1891

During the shearers strike in Nov1891 George Cory a Jackeroo at 'Rockwood', took some mares to 'Abington' and passed the strikers camp at Uralla on his way home. He was pulled up by some of the strikers, who asked him where he was going, and when he replied, 'To Rockwood', one of the men said 'He's one of Fred White's Jackeroos, pull him off. Cory pulled the stirrup leather and iron from his saddle and rode up to the man who had spoken, threatening to brain him. Someone called out 'Let the B go', and he found himself safely on the way [Abington" by Anne Harris p46]

In March 1892 he Rode 102 kilometres to 'Abington' to commence as a Jackeroo at 10/- (ten shillings or $1 on conversion, 1966) per week. ['Abington' by Anne Harris p51]

C1893 HB Cox left Abington and TR Foster appointed George Cory to take his place as Overseer. Two jackeroos worked with George Cory, Alex Wilson who didn't stay for long, and Lionel Macarthur, grandson of the old Headmaster of The Kings School. Macarthur stayed on for some years after Cory left to manage 'Rockwood in 1895, and a few years later they both served with the Light Horse in South Africa. After the Boer War both men managed stations in various parts of New South Wales and Queensland. Ashely Cox, a particularly good man with sheep and a fine judge of wool, classed at 'Abington', 'Harben Vale' and 'Rockwood' for some years after he left 'Abington' and then managed 'Gostwyck' for many years. He married George Cory's sister. [Abington" by Anne Harris pp61-62]

In 1895, George Cory was Appointed Manager at 'Rockwood'.

George Cory joined the 'Maitland Light Horse' which in 1889 was one of the loosely brigaded amalgamated to become the 'New South Wales Cavalry Regiment (re-designated New South Wales Lancers 1884)' the Hunter River troop then being designated 'D - Hunter River Troop' [PV Vernon Royal New South Wales Lancers 1885 - 1985 pp28] before leaving the Patterson in 1891. By 1898 he had transferred to 'E' Sqn Australian Horse [The Sydney Morning Herald 25th Feb 1902] (Gunnedah, Boggabri, Tamworth, Armidale) established in 1898 where he was a Sergeant Major , having to ride 25 kilometers to attend Parades.

In Sep 1900 George Cory was involved in the hunt for the Bushrangers Jimmy and Joe Governor and Jacky Underwood during which time a pistol backfired injuring an eye. [Verbal information from Dr Dan Hart who treated his eye in latter years]

In 1902 George Cory was engaged to Estelle Jean Wiseman (prior to leaving for South Africa and the Boer War.

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From the following details obtained from Newspapers Items it appears that George Cory enlisted in the Second Federal/Commonwealth Contingent in early February 1902 and went into camp at the Agricultural Grounds, Sydney in the Third Battalion of the Federal Contingent. Their camp was changed to Centennial Park in early March 1902 where they were finally able to hold their first mounted parade.

13 February 1902 The undermentioned were attached for duty with the Second Commonwealth Contingent yesterday- Acting Lieutenant A P Macafee, Acting Lieutenant J, P Kelmim, and Acting Lieutenant G. G Cory

The Third Battalion-late the Second Federal Contingent in camp at the Agricultural Ground in Sydney and being drilled thrice daily, and principally in civilian clothes, The 30 candidates for commissions being put through a preliminary examination with each prospective officer being given a company of men to handle in dismounted drill. [The Sydney Morning Herald 13 Feb 1902]

17 February 1902 Candidates for commissions who were successful in the preliminary officer's examination last week have been temporarily posted to companies as follows.-A Company Lieutenant L. G. M'Arthur, et al, B Company. Lieutenant Corey Et al [The Sydney Morning Herald 17th Feb 1902]

22 February 1902 The Minster for Defence this afternoon approved of the appointment of the following to be Lieutenants - Lionel George M'Arthur, George Gilbert Cory, et al [The Sydney Morning Herald 22 Feb 1902]

25 February 1902 - Careers of Selected Officers.[ The Sydney Morning Herald 25th Feb 1902] - Lieutenant George Gilbert Cory has been a station manager for the past 10 years in the New England district. He was born on the Paterson River 28 years ago, and is a son of Mr Gilbert Cory, one of the pioneers of the Paterson. He belonged to the Lancers some time ago, and until recently was a member of the Armidale troop of Australian Horse.

4 March 1902 - The men of the Third Battalion of the Federal Contingent were engaged in pitching tents etc, on the site selected for the new camp in the Centennial Park, Sydney. [The Sydney Morning Herald 5th Mar 1902]

8 March 1902 - The New South Wales companies of the Third Battalion of the Federal Contingent held their first mounted parade

22 March 1902 - The Third Battalion of the Federal Contingent was taken out to Maroubra on Saturday morning, where under Captain Dove, DSO (adjutant), some useful reconnoitring and skirmishing instruction was given, culminating with an attack by two of the companies on a position held by the third company.[ The Sydney Morning Herald 24th Mar 1902]

1 April 1902 - George Cory Embarked on H.M. Transport 'Manhattan' on the 1 April 2002 at Sydney for South Africa as part of the New South Wales Units and Staff of 3 Australian Commonwealth Horse. [Murray pp 177] The three NSW companies, comprising 363 officers, NCOs, and men, with staff,[ The Sydney Morning Herald 1st Apr 1902] and 385 horse, [The Adelaide Advertiser 8 Apr 1902] forming part of the Third Battalion of the Federal Contingent.

2 April 1902, George Cory Commissioned as a Lieutenant.

Major-General Hutton relieved Colonel Wallack of the command of the Third Battalion of the Federal Contingent because men had managed to get ashore and were drinking heavily in Sydney and reputably 24 men AWOL, though some succeeded in getting back to the troopship and the final number was amended to 11. It is said that amongst other reasons the shooting of the two Australian officers influenced a few against going. [The Sydney Morning Herald 3rd Apr 1902] Breaker Morant and other officers were arrested on 22 October 1901 for the killings Boer prisoners and a German missionary, and in January 1902, were court martialled. Morant was convicted and sentenced to be shot along with Handcock. The sentence was carried out on 27 February 1902.

7 April 1902, H.M. Transport 'Manhattan' arrived in Adelaide to pick up new Commanding Officer

8 April 1902, H.M. Transport 'Manhattan' departed Adelaide for Durban

1 May 1902 The Imperial transport 'Manhattan', with the third (New South Wales) battalion of the Commonwealth Horse, arrived at Durban (Natal). [ The Sydney Morning Herald 2nd May 1902]

I have not yet been able to obtain details of the 3rd ACH's movements, however they met with D Company, Third Australian Commonwealth Horse under the command of Captain RB Echlin, which had left Brisbane on the 25th March 1902 aboard the transport "Englishman" and arrived in Durban on 10th May 1902. They immediately entrained for Newcastle, Natal and joined NSW members of the contingent camped just outside the town. [The Australian Illustrated Encyclopaedia of the Zulu & Bore Wars, Ron Austin 1999]

From photographs taken during his time in South Africa George Cory was also in Charlestown, Durban, Cape Town, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Majuba, Port Elizabeth, and East London.  CLICK HERE to view complete photo album as a slide show. Photos are in alphabetical order.

31 May 1902, Peace was declared and men of the Third Commonwealth Horse Contingent had not engaged in combat.

8 - 22 June 1902, Kitcheners Kop

The bulk of the 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse (9 Officers and 479 men) returned to Sydney on the 'Drayton Grange', which was extremely overcrowded with a total of 41 officers and 1,946 men and non-commissioned officers on board as the vessel only had accommodation for 100. On arrival at Albany the vessel was quarantined and that all communication with the shore had been prohibited, due to the presence of measles and pneumonia on board.[ The West Australian Jul 31 1902]

George Cory and LG McArthur were lucky to be transported back to Sydney on the White Star Line Steamship Suevic.

10 August 1902, The Troopship 'Suevic' sailed from Cape with 66 officers and five rank and file, including Lieutenants JJ Cory and LG McArthur on board. [The Sydney Morning Herald 23 Aug 1902]

27 August 1902, The 'Suevic' arrived at Albany WA [The West Australian 28 Aug 1902]

31 August 1902, The 'Suevic' arrived at Adelaide SA [The Advertiser 1 Sep 1902]

4 September 1902, The 'Suevic' arrived at Melbourne Vic [The Advertiser 4 Sep1902]

9 September 1902, The 'Suevic' arrived at Sydney NSW [The Sydney Morning Herald 10 Sep 1902]

George Cory liked South Africa and Joan said that he stated that 'if he hadn't been engaged he would have stayed in South Africa'.

 Post Boer War - New South Wales go to top of page

1902-1903, George Cory appointed as Manager of 'Tooloom'' Station on the Clarence River then owned by the White Bros and married Estelle Jean Wiseman at Bundarra Church of England NSW 15 April. They travelled from Uralla by train for their honeymoon in Sydney and at the Jenolan Caves, staying at Caves House

19 June 1904, Elizabeth Jean Cory (Betty) born, Bundarra NSW

22 November 1906, Dorothy Joan Cory (Joan) born 'Tooloom' Station, NSW

28 July 1908, Elsie Vacy Cory (Ness) born 'Tooloom' Station, NSW

1908-1928, George Cory Manager of 'Gordon Brook' and Supervisor of 'Tooloom' Station

2 August 1910, Gilbert Richard Isler Cory (Gil) born 'Gordon Brook' Copmanhurst, NSW

10 October 1912, Joyce Gostwyck Cory born, 'Gordon Brook' Copmanhurst, NSW

5 February 1914, Gostwyck Clarence Cory (Gos) born, 'Gordon Brook' Copmanhurst, NSW

19 May 1917, Jack Cory born, 'Gordon Brook' Copmanhurst, NSW Died 20 May

1914-1918, When World War I broke out, a good number of men enlisted from 'Gordon Brook'. Stockmen, drovers, etc, left their jobs and joined the ranks. Some of them, William Frame, Percy Garnett, Pierrie Milburn, among others paid the supreme sacrifice. Others came back and found that George Cory had their old jobs open for them. Later in 1919, when the soldiers had returned the station manager put on a day's picnic sports as a welcome home to all soldiers. Over 200 people attended the sports meeting, and it was pronounced a great success. Mr Cory also had an ornamental tree planted at the homestead in memory of each soldier who enlisted from the station.

Eighteen of 'Gordon Brook' employees, including George Cory's nephew Claude Gilbert Hamilton Worthington are commemorated by a Photo Honour Roll, and a Bound 'Anzac Memorial Band' Folder containing 21 signatures was compiled.

George Cory owned the first motor car on 'Gordon Brook', a T Model Ford, although by all accounts he was not a good driver, and in 1919, George Cory Drove in a Willies Car with Trailer, from Grafton to North Queensland, with Mac Hughes and Maud (Monty) Page, returning via Cairns by sea.

12 May 1928, George Cory Purchased 'Braeside', between Warwick and Stanthorpe in Qld Leaving 'Gordon Brook' on the 4 Jun 1928

12 Dec 1933, George Cory Purchased 'Cherribah' 1285 hectares

3 March 1937, EJ Cory purchased 'Glentanna' Portions 136 and 625 Parish of Rosenthal

12 January 1943, EJ Cory Died

During WWII George Cory managed the three properties, 'Braeside', 'Glentanna' and 'Cherribah' with assistance from his daughter Ness, as stated in the following undated newspaper cutting.

'Mr Geo Cory, of 'Braeside', Dalveen, at an age when most men would have retired, finds himself working harder than ever. But he looks remarkably fit. With two sons in the Forces, he is burdened with the responsibility of carrying on three properties. He states he would never be able to do it but for the assistance of his daughter. Long may he be spared to radiate good fellowship.'

Sometime Soon after the end of WWII George Cory made a trip to Mount Isa, Katherine and Darwin in the Northern Territory.

16 January 1952 George Cory Sold 'Braeside' to Kenneth William Lloyd and retired to 57 Wantley St, Warwick.

13 December 1956 Dec George Cory Died Wantley St, Warwick.

Peter Cory - 2011

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