The Australian Boer War Memorial
Anzac Parade Canberra

Boer War Descendant Database - Browse By Ancestor

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Private Alexander Aberline

Private William Abrahams

Private Frederick Achilles

Private Charles Adams

Private Charles S Adams

Private Phipps Adams

Captain Alfred Adie

Lance Corporal Louis Aeschlimann

Private Joseph Aggett

Private Herbert Agland

Private Thomas Aicken

Private George Aiston

Sergeant Edwin Alcock

Trooper Joe Alcock

Private Richard Allan

Trooper George Allen

Private Martin Allen

Corporal George Allingham

Corporal George Allnutt

Corporal Frederick Allwood

Private Thomas Angel

Trooper Andrew Anderson

Lance Corporal Bright Anderson

Sergeant David Anderson

Private Hans Anderson

Private James Anderson

Trooper James Anderson

Private John Anderson

Sister Julia Anderson

Private Herbert Andrews

Private Norman Anderson

Private William Angell

Trooper Albert Angus

Sergeant Joseph Anscombe

Trooper Ernest Appleby

Private Christopher Armstrong

Trooper Henry Armstrong

Sergeant Walter Armstrong

Trooper William Armstrong

Trooper Douglas Arndell

Trooper Harold Arnold

Corporal Herman Arnold

Private John Arnold

Trooper Joseph Ashburner

Corporal George Ashby

Trooper Thomas Ashford

Private Walter Asquith

Trooper Alfred Atkinson

Trooper Charles Ausling

Corporal Charles Attrill

Trooper Robert Attwood

Trooper Frederick Avard

Corporal Henry Ayling


Trooper George Bayliss

Major Baden Baden-Powell

Major General Robert Baden-Powell

Lance Corporal Herbert Bail

Private Thomas Bailey

Captain Arthur Baker

Trooper Herbert Baker

Shoeing Smith John Baird

Sergeant Robert Baldry

Private Thomas Bannister

Private Alexander Barber

Private Charles Barber

Private Charles Barnes

Private John Barnes

Private Samuel Barnes

Sapper Walter Barnham

Private Frederick Bartlett

Corporal Herbert Bartley

Sergeant Henry Barton

Sergeant John Barraclough

Trooper Thomas Barrett

Private Uglow Batchelor

Private Frank Baulch

Sergeant Edwin Bawden

Trooper Walter Beale

Private Walter Beard

Trooper James Beatty

Trooper William Beatty

Trooper Albert Beaumont

Sergeant Francis Beauvais

Sergeant Frederick Beckhaus

Private Henry Beecher

Private William Beecher

Private Edgar Bell

Lieutenant Frederick Bell

Private Thomas Bendall

Sergeant Henry Bennett

Sergeant Henry Bennett

Lieutenant Alfred Benson

Sergeant Richard Benson

Trooper Charles Benton

Sergeant Thomas Berrie

Captain James Berry

Sergeant Robert Berry

Trooper Samuel Berry

Private Thomas Berry

Sergeant Henry Best

Captain Alfred Bessell-Browne

Lance Sergeant Henry Best

Trooper Isaac Bewley

Second Lieutenant John Binstead

Lieutenant John Bisdee

Trooper Herbert Bishop

Private Arthur Blair

Trooper Richard Blair

Sergeant Charles Blake

Trooper George Blundell

Private John Blundell

Trooper James Blunden

Chaplain John Boardman

Sergeant Elice Body

Corporal Henry Bohlsen

Lance Corporal Albert Bollard

Corporal William Bollinger

Warrant Officer John Bond

Private Fred Bonsall

Trooper Joseph Booth

Trooper Thomas Borlase

Private George Boulton

Private Edward Bowen

Trooper Percival Bowen

Trooper Walter Bower

Trooper George Bowman

Trooper Frederick Brack

Trooper James Brackin

Trooper John Bradney

Private Ernest Bradbury

Trooper Robert Bradshaw

Sergeant Alfred Bray

Trooper Thomas Breakwell

Private Michael Brennan

Gunner Stephen Brenton

Trooper Phillip Brew

Private Charles Brewer

Sergeant Frederick Brewster

Francis Francis Brien

Sergeant Alexander Brodie

Corporal John Brooks

Private Alexander Brown

Private Henry Brown

Private George Brown

Sergeant Joseph Brown

Private Leon Brown

Trooper Sydney Brown

Private Thomas Browne

Trooper Charles Browne

Sergeant Edgar Browning

Private Richard Browning

Farrier Sergeant William Bruce

Private Patrick Bryce

Lieutenant Donald Buchanan

Private William Buchester

Trooper James Bucholtz

Trooper Walter Bulluss

Trooper Richard Bunn

Sergeant William Burgess

Trooper Alfred Burgin

Lance Corporal Herbert Buriatte

Private Charles Burke

Sergeant Michael Burke

Trooper Patrick Burke

Private Harold Burkitt

Lance Corporal John Burkitt

Trooper Albert Burrows

Trooper Frank Burrows

Sergeant George Burrows

Gunner John Burrows

Corporal Thomas Burrows

Private William Burrows

Private Albert Butler

Lance Corporal Edmund Butler

Private Robert Butler

Lance Corporal Walter Butler

Gunner George Butt

Private Alfred Button

Private Walter Button

Corporal Henry Burne

Private William Byrne


Corporal James Cairns

Trooper Charles Callaghan

Private Archibald Cameron

Major Cyril Cameron

Corporal Ewen Cameron

Major John Cameron

Sergeant John Cameron

Private John Cameron

Sergeant Ivan Campbell

Lance Corporal James Campbell

Able Seaman William Campbell

Trooper Sydney Carbine

Trooper Albert Campling

Private George Carney

Private Herbert Carpendale

Private Charles Carpenter

Gunner Joseph Carr

Trooper James Carrick

Captain Harold Carstairs

Trooper Walter Cartwright

Private James Casey

Private Thomas Casey

Lieutenant Lachlan Caskey

Lance Corporal Samuel Cason

Trooper William Cason

Trooper Hobart Cato

Private Francis Caughey

Private Frederick Caughey

Private Walter Caunt

Private John Cavanagh

Trooper Charles Cawthorn

Sergeant James Chambers

Corporal William Chant

Trooper John Chanter

Trooper William Charles

Trooper John Cheetham

Lance Corporal Edward Chesher

Private George Chesher

Trooper Osborne Chilcott

Private John Christion

Warrant Officer George Clark

Trooper James Clark

Lieutenant Colonel Lancelot Clarke DSO MID

Sergeant Henry Clarkson

Gunner William Clare

Private Thomas Cleary

Private Thomas Clutterbuck

Trooper William Coady

Trooper John Cobb

Corporal Ben Cockran

Private John Coleman

Trooper Clive Colles

Private William Colville

Trooper Henry Comben

Private Frederick Cook

Trooper Joseph Cook

Private Silas Cook

Lance Corporal Herbert Cooke

Trooper Ira Cooke

Lance Corporal Joseph Cooke

Trooper Granville Cooper

Trooper Robert Cooper

Private Samuel Cooper

Private William Cooper

Sergeant John Copland

Lance Corporal Frank Cornell

Private Herbert Cornell

Trooper Hugh Coupe

Lieutenant George Cory

Sergeant-Major James Costello

Sergeant Robert Colbourne

Lance Corporal William Colbourne

Sergeant Arthur Coulter

Private James Coupe

Sergeant Hector Cox

Trooper Robert Cox

Private William Cox

Private William Cox

Sergeant William Cracknell

Lance Corporal William Craven

Trooper George Cronin

Trooper Thomas Cross

Trooper Henry Crouch

Corporal Benjamin Crow

Sergeant John Crow

Corporal Charles Cullen

Trooper Frederick Cullen

Trooper Richard Culshaw

Trooper Ralph Cumming

Trooper Mark Cummings

Private Thomas Cumner

Private Alexander Cunningham

Private Charles Cuthbert

Trooper Herbert Cuthbert

Trooper Ranald Cuthbert

Private Alfred Cuttriss


Sergeant Frederick Daffern

Trooper Edward Daft

Trooper Arthur Daley

Lance Corporal James Dalliston

Lance-Sergeant William Dalton

Private Frederick Dance

Private John d'Apice

Trooper Edward D'arcy

Sergeant Miles Dare

Private Stanley Dare

Private Gilbert Daveney

Corporal John Davidson

Private John Davidson

Trooper Mathew Davis

Trooper Raleigh Davidson

Sergeant Alfred Davison

Private Thomas Davie

Lieutenant Harrie Davies

Private Robert Davies

Private John Dawes

Trooper William Dawes

Major William Deacon CB MID

Trooper George Dean

Corporal George Dennis

Private William Devitt

Trooper Walter Dexter

Lance Corporal Charles Dix

Sergeant Henry Dixon

Trooper James Doak

Sergeant William Dobbie

Private John Dobe

Trooper Herbert Dodds

Sergeant Major Richard Doherty

Sergeant Thomas Donohoe

Sergeant William Donohoe

Corporal James Donsworth

Sergeant John Dooley

Trooper Harry Dormer

Corporal John Doughney

Lieutenant Francis Douglas

Private George Douglas

Lance Corporal Rupert Douglas

Trooper Joseph Dopson

Trooper Joseph Dowling

Private George Downey

Trooper Thomas Doyle

Private Conway Drew

Trooper Alexander Draper

Trooper Frederick Druitt

Trooper Thomas Druitt

Private Noel Drury

Second Lieutenant Dugald Drummond DCM

Private Edward Dudley

Private George Duel

Trooper James Duff

Lieutenant Jarlath Duffy

Private James Dugan

Private Andrew Duncan

Private Edward Duncan

Gunner Reginald Dunn

Private James Dunne

Trooper Arthur Duprez

Trooper Clarence Dwerryhouse

Bugler Andrew Dwyer

Private Philip Dwyer

Private Frank Dysaski


Major William Eames

Sergeant Harry Ede

Sergeant Arthur Edge

Trooper William Ebery

Private Edwin Eddy

Lance Corporal William Edley

Trooper Frederick Edwards

Trooper Thomas Edwards

Lance Corporal Horrace Edwell

Private John Ellis

Trooper Charles Ellison

Corporal Archibald Elliot

Corporal Archibald Elliot

Trooper Edward Enright

Private Daniel Espie

Corporal Alexander Evans

Captain Arthur Evans

Shoeing-Smith George Evans

Private John Evans

Private Robert Evans

Trooper John Everett


Trooper William Fallon

Trooper William Fagan

Corporal George Fardell

Corporal Isaac Farrant

Trooper Edward Farrell

Gunner William Feagan

Private Edward Fell

Trooper Charles Fenton

Trooper George Fenwick

Lance Corporal (Lieutenant?) Cuthbert Fetherstonhaugh

Trooper Walter Field

Private Ernest Fielding

Sergeant John Finlayson

Lieutenant Thomas Firns

Private Cecil Fisher

Trooper David Fisher

Private John Fisher

Trooper John Fitz

Second Lieutenant Arthur Fitzhardinge

Lieutenant Grantley Fitzhardinge

Trooper Patrick Fitzhenry

Private Thomas Flint

Trooper Thomas Fogarty

Trooper William Fogarty

Sergeant Herbert Fogg

Trooper George Foran

Private Frederick Ford

Trooper John Ford

Trooper Theron Ford

Lieutenant Anthony Forrest

Private George Forsyth

Lieutenant Ernest Foster

Lieutenant Roy Fotheringham

Corporal James (known as Peter) Fox

Private William Fox

Trooper William Francis

Private Donald Fraser

Corporal John Fraser

Colour Sergeant Robert Fraser

Sister Penelope Frater

Trooper Daniel Frawley

Trooper John Fredericks

Trooper Robert Freebairn

Trooper Roland Freer

Private Francis Freitas

Trooper Oswald French

Trooper George Fry

Private Oliver Fry

Private Arhur Furness

Lance Corporal David Fuller

Trooper Thomas Fulton

Private James Fyfe


Sergeant Reginald Gaby

Private James Gallagher

Private John Galligan

Sergeant John Gamble

Lance Corporal Joseph Gardiner

Private William Gardner

Trooper Richard Garrard

Corporal Henry Gatliff

Private Thomas Gauld

Sergeant Joseph Gawith

Sergeant Henry Gay

Private Edmund Geary

Trooper William Geer

Captain Charles Gehrmann

Trooper Sidney George

Trooper Raymond George

Corporal Frank Gibbs

Trooper Frederick Gibson

Trooper George Gibson

Trooper Alfred Giles

Captain John Gillespie

Corporal Patrick Gilshenen

Captain Duncan Glasfurd

Lieutenant Thomas Glasgow

Trooper Edward Glasscock

Sergeant George Goodall

Private Thomas Golden

Trooper Herbert Goodes

Trooper James Goodes

Lance Corporal George Goodwin

Lance Sergeant John Goodwin

Private Archibald Gordon

Private Charles Gordon

Private Thomas Gordon

Private William Gordon

Sergeant Major Thomas Goucher

Sergeant Lionel Gouly

Sergeant Garnet Gourlay

Trooper George Graham

Private Percival Grant

Private Arthur Gray

Private James Grayson

Trooper Wengel Grenenger

Trooper Henry Green

Sergeant John Green

Sergeant James Green

Corporal Septimus Greentree

Private William Grey

Corporal Benjamin Gribble

Lieutenant Gideon Grieve

Corporal William Greig

Sergeant Major George Griffen

Trooper Harry Griffiths

Private John Grimmond

Trooper Sydney Grundy

Trooper Cecil Guest

Sergeant Percy Guest

Trooper Harold Gully

Sergeant Gaston Gumprich

Private John Gunter

Trooper Henry Gurran

Private George Gwyther


Private Oliver Hadden

Private Edward Hadfield

Trooper Harry Hadley

Trooper Arthur Hall

Private Henry Hall

Private John Hall

Private Belton Halley

Private Robert Halliwell

Corporal Thomas Hally

Private Frank Halsall

Sergeant Francis Hamilton

Trooper James Hamilton

Trooper William Hamilton

Private Frederick Hammond

Lieutenant Peter Handcock

Sergeant Thomas Hanley

Trooper John Hanna

Trooper William Hanna

Lieutenant Charles Hannam

Private Edward Hanson

Trooper Henry Hardy

Sergeant Norman Hardy

Sergeant Walter Harkness

Sergeant Albert Harrington

Lieutenant Geoffrey Harris

Private George Hare

Driver Herbert Harris

Corporal Albert Harrison

Private Joseph Harrison

Private Frederick Harth

Trooper George Hartnett

Sergeant John Hawkey

Lance Corporal Caleb Hayes

Trooper Michael Hayes

Private Reginald Hasthorpe

Private Patrick Healy

Major George Heaney

Corporal Roderick Heaney

Private Albert Heap

Trooper Samuel Heathwood

Private Walter Heckley

Staff Sergeant Thomas Heery

Private Robertson Heffernan

Private Harry Hemphill

Trooper John Henry

Trooper William Henshaw

Trooper James Heron

Gunner Edwin Hession

Corporal Stephen Hevey

Gunner Fredrick Heywood

Trooper Charles Hewertson

Lancer Bombardier John Hibbard

Bombardier George Hicks

Corporal Sydney Hicks

Private John Hilder

Corporal William Hilder

Trooper Sidney Hill

Trooper Joseph Hillier

Sister Eliza Hoadley

Sergeant Henry Hodges

Lieutenant John Hodgins

Sergeant William Hodgkinson

Sergeant Charles Hodgson

Trooper Harold Hodgson

Corporal Edward Hogan

Trooper George Hogan

Trooper Walter Hokin

Private Oliver Holding

Private Edward Honan

Trooper Peter Holm

Lance Corporal Thomas Holt

Trooper Ralph Holland

Captain Arthur Holmes

Trooper Hector Holmes

Private Robert Holmes

Corporal Cecil Holmwood

Corporal Alfred Hood

Trooper Leslie Hopkinson

Trooper Benjamin Hore

Trooper John Horgan

Private Arthur Hornsby

Trooper Alan Howard

Trooper Edgar Howard

Trooper Henry Howard

Trooper Ernest Howarth

Private Samuel Howe

Major Frederick Howland

Major Neville Howse VC

Trooper William Hoye

Trooper Laurence Hoy

Corporal George Huckstepp

Corporal Hugh Hughes

Private John Hughes

Lieutenant Claude Hugonin

Private Charles Hull

Trooper Robert Humphreys

Trooper Algernon Hunt

Trooper Arthur Hunt

Trooper Charles Hunter

Gunner Alfred Hurford

Sergeant Major Thomas Hurley

Trooper Arthur Huskisson

Trooper Louis Hutley

Private Donald Hutton


Private George Ingarfield

Colour Sergeant William_Inglis

Private William Ingram

Gunner Thomas Irwin


Trooper Richard Jack

Charles Jackson

Private Harry Jackson

Private John Jackson

Private William Jackson

Trooper Frank Jacobs

Corporal Arthur Jacobsen

Sergeant Albert James

Trooper Frederick James

Sergeant George Jeffery

Private William Jeffrey

Private Fred Jenkins

Corporal Thomas Jenner

Trooper Charles Jennings

Lance Corporal James Jennings

Trooper Australian Jensen

Private George Jewell

Shoeing-Smith Herbert Job

Private Alfred Johnson

Gunner Henry Johnson

Sergeant William Johnson

Private Reginald Johnston

Trooper Stanley Johnston

Private Henry Jones

Corporal John Thomas Jones

Corporal John Jones

Corporal Philip Jones

Trooper Victor Jones

Private Jephthah Jonson

Trooper Harry Jordan

Trooper Francis Joseph

Trooper Joseph Judd


Private Charles Kasper

Private Edward Keenan

Lance Corporal Henry Keetley

Trooper Charles Kelleher

Major Charles Kellie

Corporal James Kemp

Lance Corporal George Kennedy

Private James Kennedy

Corporal Morgan Kenny

Private Samuel Kensell

Trooper Arthur Kerr

Trooper James Kerton

Private Thomas Kerwin

Trooper Herbert Keys

Trooper Percival_Kidson

Colour Sergeant William Kimberley

Private William Kimmins

Lieutenant Allan King

Sergeant Arthur King

Private George King

Ranger Gilbert King

Private Jacob King

Trooper John King

Sergeant Samuel King

Corporal Walter King

Private Frederick Knox

Private Hans Knudsen

Trooper Harry Knudson

Trooper Jakob Knobel

Lance Corporal Frederick Knowles

Lieutenant Frank Knyvett

Private Walter Kohler

Private Charles Kokkinn

Private Robert Kolbe

Private Frederick Kollosche

Trooper John Korff

Private Robert Krauth


Trooper Aubrey Lancaster

Private Charles Lamprey

Private James Langley

Trooper William Langsford

Gunner John Lane

Trooper Richard Lane

Trooper Robert Latham

Trooper Samuel Lawer

Lance Corporal John Lawton

Lieutenant Edwin Leane

Sergeant William Learoyd

Captain Charles Lee

Corporal Edgar Lee

Sergeant Maurice Lee

Trooper Reginald Lee

Private Charles Legge

Corporal Franklin Legge

Lieutenant George Legge

Private Henry Legge

Captain James Legge

Corporal Walter Legge

Major Robert Lenehan

Private Thomas Leslie

Private Louis Lette

Trooper Robert Levett

Corporal James Lloyd

Trooper Mitchell Lloyd

Shoeing Smith John Livingston

Private David Lilley

Private William Lilley

Trooper George Linfoot

Private William Linton

Private Alexander Little

Sergeant Major Hampden Livesey

Sergeant Angus Livingstone

Private Benjamin Lockwood

Private William Long

Sergeant Herbert Loughton

Lance Corporal Alexander Love

Trooper Christopher Lovelock

William Lubbock RN

Trooper William Luff

Trooper James Lugg

Trooper John Lumley

Trooper John Luscombe

Private Alan Lush

Trooper George Lush

Trooper Martin Luther

Corporal Edgar Luxmoore

Trooper Robert Luxton

Major Charles Lydiard

Private George Lye

Captain Thomas Lynch

Sergeant William Lyons

Lieutenant James Loynes


Private Babington Macaulay

Sergeant Walter_Macfarlane

Corporal Neil MacIntosh

Lieutenant Colonel James Mackay

Trooper William Maclaren

Lieutenant James Maclean

Sergeant Francis Macnish

Lance Corporal August Maier

Private Sydney Malin

Trooper Benjamin Mann

Corporal Lionel Manning

Sergeant Frederick Mansfield

Sergeant Robert Mansfield

Private Charles Marshall

Private Leslie Marsh

Trooper Thomas Marsh

Trooper Arthur Martin

Trooper David Martin

Private John Martin

Trooper Thomas Martin

Private Richard Marr

Private Frederick Marsden

Staff Sergeant Archibald Mason

Trooper Charles Mason

Sergeant Daniel Mason

Trooper Robert Mason

Trooper Albert Massey

Trooper Bruce May

Private James May

Lance Corporal Mavon May

Trooper Tasker May

Corporal John Maynard

Trooper Patrick McAlister

Sergeant Thomas McAlister

Trooper George McArthur

Lieutenant Colonel James Macarthur-Onslow

Trooper Matthew McBaron

Trooper James McBurney

Private Edward McCabe

Private John McCance

Private James McClintock

Corporal Donald McClymont

Warrant Officer John McColl

Trooper William McCusker

Corporal James McCrossin

Lance Corporal William McCutchan

Trooper John McCrossin

Private Alexander McDonald

Trooper William McDonald

Private Peter McDonnell

Trooper Joseph McDowell

Trooper Samuel McDowell

Lieutenant John McEachran

Trooper Thomas McElwaine

Bombardier Edward McElwee

Private Fergus McFadzen

Lieutenant John McFarlane

Private John McFarlane

Corporal Stephen McFarlane

Trooper William McGibbony

Sergeant Major James McGillray

Sergeant James McGillivray

Corporal James McGurgan

Trooper Thomas McIlveen

Captain Harold McIntosh

Trooper Alexander McIntyre

Lance Corporal Donald McIntyre

Private William McIntyre

Trooper John McKenzie

Private James McKerlie

Trooper James McKinna

Major Archibald McLean

Trooper Barclay Mclean

Lance Corporal Duncan McLennan

Trooper William McLeod

Trooper Thomas McLernon

Sergeant Terance McMahon

Private William McMahon

Trooper Arthur McManis

Trooper George McMillan

SSM Edward McNabb

Saddler Joseph McNamara

Corporal Thomas McNeill

Private Archibald McPherson

Gunner Frederick McWilliams

Trooper James Medaris

Charles Menger

Gunner Frederick Menah

Corporal Bertram Merrillees

Trooper Archibald Middleton

Captain Cecil Middleton

Trooper Richard Miles

Private Oliver Miller

Sergeant William Miller

Trooper Oliver Milling

Private John Millington

Trooper William Mills

Trooper Thomas Milne

Private Albert_Milner

Private Charles Mitchell

Trooper George Mitchell

Corporal James Mitchell

Warrant Officer James Mitchell

Private Maurice Mitchell

Trooper Thomas Mitchell

Second Lieutenant Laurence Molloy

Arthur Montague

(Rank Unknown) Frank Moore

Corporal Frederick Moore

Private Patrick Moore

Sergeant (Shoeing-Smith) Christopher Moran

Trooper George Mortimer

Private Francis Morgan

Lieutenant John Morgan

Private Thomas Morrow

Trooper Samuel Moth

Lance Corporal Walter Morgan

Trooper Thomas Morris

Sergeant Alfred Morrison

Sergeant Henry Morrison

Private John Moyle

Private Forrester Muir

Gunner John Mullen

Private Clarence Mullen

Private George Mullen

Sergeant David Mulhall

Trooper Joseph Mulhall

Sergeant William Murdoch

Trooper Charles Murphy

Trooper Ernest Murphy

Lance Corporal Francis Murphy

Shoeing-Smith John Murphy

Private Arthur Murray

Private Cecil Murray

Private David Murray

Sergeant George Murray

Private James Murray

Trooper Alexander Murtagh

Trooper Thomas Mychael


Trooper Wylie Nation

Trooper John Neary

Sergeant John Neenan

Shoeing Smith Peter Nielson

Trooper William Neve

Sergeant Vincent Newell

Trooper William Newham

Lance Corporal Victor Newland

Private Abel Newman

Trooper Reginald Newman

Lance Corporal George Newport

Trooper John Nicholson

Captain Sidney Nicholson

Private Tom Nicholson

Private George Noakes

Lieutenant Charles Norris

Corporal Samuel Norris

Trooper Archabold North

Trooper George North

Captain Alfred Norton

Sergeant Archibald Nowland

Trooper Walter Nowland

Trooper George Nugent


Private Leslie Oakley

Trooper Patrick O'Grady

Trooper Edward O'Halloran

Corporal Nicholas O'Halloran

Trooper Francis Olorenshaw

Trooper John O'Loughlin

Sergeant Dudley Oldham

Private John Olding

Corporal Elijah Olive

Gunner William Orson

Private Robert Orton

Private John O'Sullivan

Trooper James Owen

Sergeant Arthur Oxford


Private William Pagden

Private Joseph Palazzi

Sergeant Silvio Palazzi

Private Richard Palmer

Lieutenant Frederick Parbury

Sergeant Charles Parker VC

Trooper Robert Parkhill

Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Parrott

Trooper Benjamin Partridge

Warrant Officer Harry Paten

Private Thomas Patrick

Special Correspondent Andrew Patterson

Sergeant Charles Patterson

Major William Patterson

Corporal Eugene Patterson

Trooper James Patton

Private Andrew Paul

Corporal George Paul

Trooper Ruben Payne

Private Walter Payne

Sergeant Albert Peake

Trooper Charles Penny

Major Alfred Perkins

Sergeant John Perkins

Guardsman Robert Perkins

Lance Corporal Stanley Perkins

Private Erich Peters

Private Julius Peters

Trooper Albert Phillips

Staff Sergeant Mark Pickett

Trooper William Piggott

Private Robert Pitt

Sister (Lieutenant) Mary Pocock

Lieutenant William Ponsonby

Sergeant Major Albert Pontin

Trooper Walter Pope

Sergeant Alfred Pounceby

Private George Porter

Sergeant Joseph Porter

Corporal Peter Post

Corporal William Potts

Trooper Thomas Powell

Private Richard Preston

Trooper Norman Price

Private David Priest

Trooper George Proctor

Sergeant Henry Prosser

Trooper Herbert Prosser

Private George Provan

Major Frederick Purcell


Captain Fletcher Quintal


Lance Corporal Archibold Radburn

Private Rupert Rafferty

Trooper Samuel Ralphs

Lieutenant Gilbert Ramsay

Private James Ramsay

Staff Sergeant George Rauchle

Trooper Walter Ray

Major Charles Reade CB, MID

Trooper Francis Reid

Trooper Edward Reimer

Lance Corporal Hubert Reynolds

Lieutenant Colonel Percy Ricardo

Private Arthur Richards

Private James Ridgeley

Private Arthur Rigelsford

Captain Edmund Righetti

Private Charles Roach

Private James Roach

Private Clarence Roberts

Lance Corporal James Roberts

Trooper John Roberts

Trooper Tomas Roberts

Trooper James Robertson

Lieutenant George Robinson

Sergeant James Robinson

Gunner Thomas Robinson

Trooper William Robinson

Lieutenant Henry Robson

Trooper Matthew Robson

Corporal Michael Roche

Private Graham Rodgers

Sergeant Henry Rogers

Sergeant Major Herbert Rogers

Lieutenant James Rogers VC

Private Llewellyn Rogers

Private George Roney

Sergeant Ernest Rose

Commandant George Ross

Trooper Hugh Ross

Major Reuter Roth

Trooper William Rowe

Trooper Joseph Rowland

Private Benjamin Rudhall

Trooper Philip Rush

Private Henry Rust

Sergeant William Rust

Colour Sergeant Albert Cooke-Russell

Private Alexander Russell

Sergeant Alexander Russell

Trooper Francis Russell

Sergeant Arthur Ryan

Trooper James Ryan

Trooper James D Ryan


Trooper George Saban

Private Joseph Sabelberg

Trooper John Salway

Trooper Alfred Saunders

Trooper Charles Saunders

Trooper Robert Saunders

Private Frederick Savill

Private Alfred Sawdy

Private Charles Sawyers

Private Albert Scanlan

Private Benjamin Scard

Trooper Jasper Scard

Guardsman Henry Schultze

Sergeant Major Otto Schumann

Corporal Mark Scholes

Trooper Thomas Scotland

Private Frank Schy

Lieutenant Robert Scobie

Private George Seaborn

Private Herbert Sealey

Captain Casimir Sellheim

Major Victor Sellheim

Private John Semple

Private Hubert Seton

Captain Miles Seton

Private Frank Seymour

Private George Seymour

Captain Reinhold Shadler

Sister Rose Shappere

Private Charles Sharpe

Private Charles Sharp

Sergeant Hugh Shaw

Private John Shaw

Private Samuel Shearer

Private Daniel Sheehan

Trooper James Sheehan

Trooper John Sheffield

Lance Corporal Hector Shelley

Private Walter Shelley

Trooper Frederick Sheppard

Private James Shreeve

Trooper James Shields

Trooper John Silcock

Private Cecil Simmons

Trooper Edgar Simpson

Trooper Louis Simpson

Private Arthur Single

Trooper Thomas Skene

Trooper Albert Slade

Trooper Edward Sleader

Trooper William Sly

Private Arthur Smith

Trooper Edwin Smith

Private Ernest Smith

Private Frankland Smith

Private Harold Smith

Sergeant Harry Smith

Lance Sergeant John Smith

Trooper Michael Smith

Private Pierce Smith

Colonel Sydenham Smith

Private Thomas Smith

Trooper Thomas Hodgman Smith

Trooper Walter Smith

Sergeant William Smith

Corporal William Smith

Private William Smith

Private William Smith

Trooper James Smyth

Trooper David Smythe

Trooper Walter Solomon

Private Arthur Spence

Trooper Edgar Spendor

Trooper (Shoeing-Smith) John Spencer

Lieutenant William Spencer DCM MID

Corporal Walter Spier

Private Arthur Spreadbury

Corporal John Sproule

Private Benjamin Spurway

Sergeant Robert Spurway

Trooper Oswald Squire

Trooper Harold Stanton

Private Oswald Stanton

Private Atholstan Stark

Private Arthur Starkey

Trooper George Steele

Private George Stenhouse

Private Arthur Stephens

Trooper Harry Stephenson

Trooper Bertram Stevens

Trooper Charles Stevenson

Private Malcom Stewart

Sergeant William Stinson

Private John Stone

Corporal Richard Storey

Trooper Frederick Stradwick

Private Simon Strahan

Corporal Robert Streatfield

Private Authur Strickland

Trooper Norman Strickland

Trooper Charles Stuart

Sergeant Edward Sullivan

Trooper John Summers

Corporal Charles Sutcliffe

Private Thomas Suter

Private Nikolai Svensen

Private Archibald Swan

Private David Swan

Private John Swan

Trooper John Swan

Trooper Miles Swan

Private William Swan

Trooper William Swan

Corporal(?) Pieter Swartz


Private Jesse Tabbutt

Sergeant Major William Tackaberry

Trooper Hugh Talbot

Trooper William Talbot

Trooper Edgar Tamsett

Trooper John Tancred

Private Frank Tanner

Trooper Conrad Taylor

Trooper Frederick Taylor

Private Herbert Taylor

Sergeant Herbert Taylor

Lieutenant Owen Taylor

Lieutenant Thomas Taylor

Trooper Linden Teague

Lieutenant James Tedder

Corporal Percy Tennant

Major James Thomas

Private Christian Thomsen

Lance Corporal William Thomson

Lance Corporal Edgar Thomas

Trooper Robert Threlfall

Sergeant John Thurston

Trooper Andrew Thompson

Private Rupert Thornton

Private Henry Throughgood

Trooper Bernard Tier

Trooper John Toll

Sergeant Charles Tollner

Lieutenant James Tolson

Trooper John Toovey

Guardsman William Towe

Trooper William Tough

Trooper Thomas Tooze

Trooper William Trantum

Driver James Trevenar

Trooper James Treweek

Trooper Stacy Treweek

Private Martin Trezise

Trooper Dominic Trim

Trooper Edwin Trounson

Trooper Arthur Turnbull

Private John Turner

Trooper William Turner

Private William Tweedie

Sergeant Alfred Tymms

Sergeant Frederick Tyrrell


Corporal Hugh Underwood


Sergeant Caleb Vacchini

Sergeant Joseph Vardy

Private Michael Vaughan

Sergeant George Ve'all

Private James Vearing

Corporal Thomas Vearing

Gunner Francis Verdon

Trooper Patrick Verdon

Trooper Albert Vickery

Trooper Cecil Vidler

Private Edward Vinall

Private Edgar Vivian

Trooper Frank Vollmerhause

Private John Vogler


Trooper James Walch

Lance Corporal Gilbert Walker

Sergeant Harry Walker

Trooper Ninian Walker

Sergeant Major James Walker

Trooper Richard Walker

Private Andrew Wallace

Private Francis Wallace

Private Harry Wallis

Sergeant Hugh Walls

Private Daniel Wanless

Lieutenant Ewen Wanliss

Trooper Francis Ward

Private Frederick Ward

Private William Warlow

Sergeant John Wardrobe

Private Albert Waterer

Private Louis Waterson

Private George Waterton

Corporal Alfred Watson

Trooper Arthur Watson

Trooper Frederick Watson

Private Robert Watson

Trooper Vivian Watson

Trooper Walter Watson

Gunner William Watson

Captain John Watt

Sister Eliza Watts

Private Henry Watts

Trooper James Watts

Trooper Alan Weeks

Private Albert Weeks

Trooper Maurice Weeks

Private Julius Wegener

Private William Wells

Sergeant Arnold Wienholt

Private James Wells

Trooper Charles Westling

Sergeant Eustace Whiddon

Trooper Albert White

Trooper Alfred White

Private Arthur White

Sergeant Charles White

Trooper Edward White

Private Edward White

Trooper George White

Trooper Henry White

Trooper Horace White

Gunner John White

Trooper Thomas Whitford

Trooper Leonard Whiting

Private Arthur Whitmee

Trooper Ashley Whitney

Trooper Clement Whittle

Trooper Alfred Whye

Trooper Albert Whyte

Private George Wildman

Trooper Jerimiah Wilkes

Captain John Wilkinson

Private Digby Willan

Staff Sergeant George Willett

Trooper Albert Williams

Private George Williams

Sergeant Major George Williams

Trooper Isaac Williams

Trooper James Williams

Trooper John Williams

Trooper Farquhar Williamson

Trooper George Williamson

Corporal Franklin Willmette

Trooper Fulton Willmette

Private Matthew Wilmot

Trooper Arthur Wilson

Captain George Wilson

Corporal George Wilson

Private Henry Wilson

Private James Wilson

Captain Sidney Wilson

Sergeant Alfred Winterford

Trooper Joe Wishart

Trooper William Wittingslow

Lieutenant George Witton

Sergeant Maurice Witts

Sergeant Albert Wonson

Trooper William Wonson

Private Thomas Wood

Corporal William Wood

Trooper Eric Woodforde

Private Charles Woodhead

Private Arthur Woods

Second Lieutenant Cecil Woods

Lance Corporal Frederick Woods

Trooper James Woods

Trooper Patrick Woods

Shoeing Smith Samuel Woods

Private William Woodroffe

Private William Woolcott

Sergeant Thomas Woolmore

Private John Worrall

Trumpeter Allen Worthington

Lieutenant William Wright

Colour Sergeant William Wright


Sergeant Hamilton Yaldwyn

Corporal Thomas Young

Lieutenant William Young


Trooper Martin Zollner 

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