The Australian Boer War Memorial
Anzac Parade Canberra


A key strategy in gathering the funds and momentum to enable construction of the magnificent memorial that now stands in Anzac Parade, Canberra was to involve the Australian people. Most Australians whose local lineage extended beyond 1900 had a family link to the second Boer War. More recent immigrants too in some cases had a family member who fought on one side or the other. This memorial like all other such memorials in Australia does not seek to glorify one side in a conflict, simply to honour those young men and women who answered when called.

Those who had an Australian connection to the war either by being a current Australian citizen with an ancestor who took part, or had an ancestor who was from Australia who fought, were encouraged to register their connection. This was done either directly online, or by completing forms made available at functions and presentations by members of the National Boer War Memorial Association. The results were published on the National Boer War Memorial Association website.

The Reserve Forces Day Council also gathered a list of first generation descendants and organised for this list to be published on the National Boer War Memorial Association website.

These lists are published here. They are historic documents and will not be updated. To update would cause a loss of context. By 2018, many of the first-generation descendants whose information was gathered in 2012/3 have passed on. Other descendent details gathered 2007-2017 have over time changed.

The buttons below take you to the lists.

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RUSI of NSW Boer War Battlefields