The Australian Boer War Memorial
Anzac Parade Canberra
Boer War Day 2019 |
Boer War Day 2019, was the 120th since Queensland first served with distinction in the South African War. Last year, due to extensive renovation on the lower part of ANZAC Square, the Memorial Service was held at the upper section of ANZAC Square at the 'Shrine of Remembrance and Eternal Flame'. This year, the Memorial Service was held on Sunday 26 May, 2019, back around the 'Boer War Memorial' affectionately known as 'The Scout', lower part of ANZAC Square.
Rev Pierre van Blommestein, our honourary Secretary, was Master of Ceremonies. The opening Prayer and Benediction was delivered by Father Geoff Reeder, a long time committed supporter of our cause. LTCOL Wendy Taylor (Retd.) delivered the address. The response to her address has been fantastic, a copy of which has spread as far afield as Perth. Daryl Scott, Chief Commissioner Scouts, Queensland, read the messages from:
• Governor-General - His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd.) - (Chief Scout of Australia);
• Governor of Queensland - His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC QC - (Chief Scout of Queensland); and
• Our Patron - Major General Professor John Hemsley Pearn AO RFD - (National President of Scouts Australia).
Having the Chief Commissioner Scouts, Queensland, read the messages was quite fitting, considering the alleged inspiration for the ‘Scout Movement’, concerning the ‘Siege of Mafeking’ and the ‘Mafeking Cadet Corps’.
Other than South East Queensland (Gold Coast to Sunshine Coast) we had attendees from as far afield as Bundaberg and Ravensbourne; also from NSW and Western Australia. This year’s honoured guests included:
• Ms Jennifer Howard MP - Assistant Minister for Veterans' Affairs Queensland and assistant to the Premier.
• Mr Tony Ferris - State President RSL (Queensland).
• LTCOL Wendy Taylor (Ret'd) RAANC - President of SED (South Eastern District) RSL / Board of Directors RSL (Queensland) / Chair of the ADPB (ANZAC Day Parade Brisbane Committee).
• Mr Matthew Hanrahan - Vice-President Brisbane North District RSL.
• Mr Glenn Mostyn - President of Sherwood-Indooroopilly RSL Sub-branch.
• Mr William (Bill) Willcocks - Chairman of The Victoria League Brisbane for Commonwealth Friendship.
• Mr Shaun Winson - Chairman SAMVOA (South African Military Veterans Organisation of Australasia) Queensland and Northern Territory.
• Mr Clive Cooke - President RVA (Rhodesian Veterans Association) Queensland.
• Mr Jed Millen - Chairman QMIHT (Queensland Mounted Infantry Historical Troop).
• Mr Daryl Scott - Chief Commissioner Scouts Queensland.
• Mrs Jenny Gregory - State President Australian War Widows Queensland.
• Mr Roy Moran - Vice-President Vietnam Logistic Support Veterans‟ Assoc. Queensland.
• Mr Kevin Bovill - Former Secretary of the Boer War Memorial Society Western Australia
Traditionally, the 2/14 LH (QMI) provided the Catafalque Party. However, this year, due to commitments elsewhere, they were unable to do so. The LCCC (Logan City Community Cadets), had the honour. They were in fact a hit, and left a lasting memory, as they conducted their duty well beyond expectation, especially when considering the importance, commemoration and objective of this hallowed occasion.
Corinda State High School Symphonic Band and Vocal Ensemble were also a hit, as they were last year.
Joe McGhee ('Piper Joe') turned up as usual, like last year, a Scotsman to the hilt, making his mark. Not to forget Brad Strong the bugler, former 2/14 LH (QMI).
Their ideal is our legacy - Their sacrifice our inspiration - At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them - 'Lest we Forget'.
The ACT 2019 Boer War Day Ceremony was held at 1400h (2:00 PM) on SUN 26 May 2019 at the St John the Baptist Anglican Church, Reid Australian Capital Territory. The sixth annual Commemorative Church Service commemorates the 117th anniversary of the signing of the Peace treaty at Vereeniging in South Africa on 31 May 1902.
The principal ADF Guest was Major General Iain Spence CSC RFD (Ret'd) with support from B SQN 1/15 RNSWL and a small mounted detachment from the ALHA in period uniforms.
Was held on Sunday 2 June 2019 at 12h00 sharp at the Boer War Memorial, Queen's Domain, Hobart.
Enquiries: Reg Watson (Organiser): Mobile: 0409 975 587
All were welcome. There was an opportunity for the laying of a wreath, a posy or a flower.
Was held on Sunday 16 June 2019 at 12h00 sharp at the Boer War Memorial, City Park, Launceston.
The Boer War Remembrance Day was organised in Hobart (2 June 2019) and Launceston (16 June 2019) by local historian Reg Watson who is keen to ensure the Boer War does not become the forgotten war. Mr Watson is the author of Heroes All: Tasmanian Fatalities in The Anglo-Boer War of 1899-1902, and the grandson of Trooper Frederick Wentworth Watson, who served in the Boer War. Six Australians who served in the Boer War were awarded the Victoria Cross, including two Tasmanians: John Hutton Bisdee and Guy Wylly.
Enquiries: Reg Watson (Organiser): Mobile: 0409 975 587
All were welcome. There was an opportunity for the laying of a wreath, a posy or a flower.
The Committee of the Boer War Association Victoria conducted Wreath Laying Commemoration Service on Sunday 26 May 2019 at the Perpetual Flame Shrine of Remembrance Melbourne, to the Australian Medical service. The theme was a tribute to the Doctors and Nurses during the Boer War and the 117th Anniversary of the signing of the peace treaty of Vereening that ended the South African War on 31st May 1902. 32 Distinguished Guest and over 300 Descendant, which included 132 Boy Scouts from 16 Scout Groups and 34 Girl Guides from 3 units attended. The march was seen on channel 9 news Melbourne at 5 and again at 6pm.
This was our tenth year that we have held a service to the Boer War at the Shrine, over this time we have been supported with grants from the Victorian Veteran's Council.
The march from the bottom forecourt at the corner of ANZAC Parade and St Kilda road was lead by the Rats of Tobruk Memorial Pipes and Drums to the Perpetual Flame.
Wreaths were laid by Major General Jeffrey Rosenfeld AC OBE who gave the the Commemoration Address. Peter Wilmot President Boer War Association, Lieutenant Colonel Laureen Grimes Chair Victoria Veterans Council Department of Premier & Cabinet, Ms Vivienne McNally representing Department Veterans Affairs, Ms Jenny Cotton, Ms Vanessa O'Neil Consulate General of New Zealand and Captain Peter Crutchley representing the New Zealand High Commission, Dr Rob Webster OAM State President RSL Victoria, Colonel (retd) Jan McCarthy ARRC President of the Return Nurses Sub-branch RSL Melbourne who read extracts from letters from Nurses in South Africa, Major Maggie More RFD and Colonel John Coulson OAM RFD Shine of Remembrance Governors, Mr. Ross Newton OAM Order of Australia Association, Major General Mick O'Brian CSC on behalf of the City of Melbourne, Cr Louise Crawford, Deputy Mayor City of Port Phillip, The Hon Michael and Wendy Baden-Powell, Veteran Richard Southey MMM Chair SAMVOA, Judith Gibson Archivist and three students from Caulfield Grammar. Our Patron Major General J.E. Barry AM MBE RFD ED (Ret'd), Brigadier Douglas Laidlaw CSC from the 4th brigadier along with MP's, Melbourne Legacy also attended.
The Programme for the ceremony can be downloaded HERE.
The general public of Western Australia attended the commemoration and reconciliation service marking the 117th ceremony of the signing of the Peace of Vereeniging that brought the Boer war to its close. The Boer War Memorial Society of Western Australia will hold its service at the South African War Memorial in Kings Park, Perth at 11h00 on Sunday 2 June 2019.
For enquires contact David Thomas on email on Mobile: 0418 448 933. See the website on
The New South Wales Committee of the National Boer War Memorial Association conducted a Remembrance and wreath laying ceremony for those who served in the Boer War (1899 - 1902) and to commemorate the 117th Anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Vereeniging that ended the South African War on 31st May 1902.
The service dommenced at 11h00 on Sunday 26 May 2019 at the new Auditorium, ANZAC Memorial, Hyde Park South.
The service was held in two sections. Firstly the Act of Remembrance and Wreath laying was conducted upstairs in the Hall of Memory The Ode was read by Maya Anderson Sydney Girls High School, the Bugler Eddie Claxton came from the Sydney Fire and Rescue Band whilst our Official Guest, Rear Admiral the Hon Justice Michael Slattery RAN the Judge Advocate General of the Defence Force laid the first wreath. Our Padre Chaplain Lt Col Colin Aiken OAM, RFD read the prayer. The service continued downstairs with a poem reading-Patterson's The Song of the Federation read by Cadet Flight Sgt Stephen Elliott (AAFC) from 306 Squadron, Sydney Grammar School, followed by the keynote address from Admiral Slattery. The service concluded with the singing of the National Anthem led by Simone Wei from Sydney Girls High School and the Benediction from our Chaplain. The Chairman Lt Col David Deasey OAM, RFD (Ret'd) provided concluding remarks stressing the relevance of the Boer War to the Repatriation in 1919 and invited all to morning tea. As usual Mr Darren Mitchell was our wonderful MC. About 100 attended including representatives of major political parties, representatives from all services, RSL, War Widows, RAANC association and Rhodesian and representatives of SAMVOA as well as descendants of Boer War veterans (including first generation) and other ex-service groups and friends of the NBWMA.
A transcript of the address by Rear Admiral the Hon Justice MJ Slattery RAN can be DOWNLOADED HERE.
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